Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Commission Hero Pro Review and Free Book

Commission Hero Pro Logo

Commission Hero Pro Review and Free Book

commission hero pro review and free book

This article is focused on the Commission Hero Pro Review (and bonuses)!  In it, I’ll share with you how to get Robby’s free book and I will also identify some pros and cons with Commission Hero Pro.

The Commission Hero Pro program teaches a 3 step method that uses affiliate marketing as the monetization method.  As a disclaimer, I fully LOVE affiliate marketing – I even created my own FREE course “How To Build A Full-Time Income With Affiliate Marketing”. 

So, I’m not going to tell you NOT to do affiliate marketing (I think anyone that wants to make money online should incorporate affiliate marketing).  But, I will share with you the reasons why you want to get Commission Hero Pro AND the reasons why you might not want to get Commission Hero Pro.

*I NEVER do a review on a product I don’t recommend – that’s just shady affiliate marketing.  So, I DO recommend this.  I will point out some of the concerns I have from the point of view of someone that teaches marketing methods.

Commission Hero Pro - $26 Million Case Study

The first thing anyone wants to know with a program – how much money can I make?!

Now, with all make money opportunities (online or offline) – you need to keep in mind that any testimonials or claims of income are purely informational.  They do NOT guarantee the same results, or any results.  But, they also don’t limit your results (though, most likely, these income examples are from seasoned affiliate marketers so it would take you a bit of time to work to this level).

So, keeping in mind that these are just examples – let’s take a look at some income examples for Commission Hero Pro.

Commission Hero testimonial 2
Commission Hero testimonial 3

In the first image, you can see the arrow pointing to a $54,390.46 DAY!  Clearly, not every day was that big – but that’s more than many people make in an entire year!

In the second image, take a look at Feb 11th in both the left and right sides.  Sean has 2 Clickbank accounts, so you would total that up – and it’s almost a $10k day!!  Clearly, he’s still building and some days will be better than others.

To be clear, some months will be better than others.  Some products you promote will be better than others – that’s the way affiliate marketing works.  Still – I’d be happy with $1k a day, especially knowing that it could take as little as 1-2 hours a day!

Robby shares more income examples and information on the 3-step system that helped make this happen in his free book!

What Is Commission Hero Pro?

Robby Blanchard Commission Hero Pro

So, what exactly is Commission Hero Pro?

First of all, it’s the system that Robby used to generate $981,000 in one month (with no product).  You should want to learn from him for that one reason!

Robby Blanchard is the #1 ClickBank affiliate in the world – which means he knows what he is doing when it comes to affiliate marketing!

Robby’s original product is Commission Hero – it teaches you how to use Facebook ads and build a profitable affiliate marketing business.

Commission Hero PRO kicks up the training a notch…well, more like 5 notches.

Even though I have recommended Robby’s Commission Hero course for anyone doing affiliate marketing and wanting to use Facebook ads – I’ve never done it.  Why?  Because I HATE running Facebook ads now, especially for affiliate marketing.

Thus, I’ve stuck to my free methods.  But, it takes a LOT longer to build momentum and find a buyer audience when you use free methods.  In January, I dabbled in YouTube ads.  I was SHOCKED at the results from promoting a launch.  I got more opt-ins and interest than anything I’ve ever done with Facebook ads (not to mention a couple of sales).

I’m not the best with video (I talk too much…unlike my writing, which is soooo short…lol).  So, I decided to set aside YouTube ads and work on building up the free resources I give away.  Not enough time in the day to do it all!

So…while I’ve recommended Robby’s Commission Hero course for a while now, I never had the interest to actually do it because I didn’t want to do Facebook ads.  BUT, with Commission Hero PRO – Robby expands way beyond Facebook Ads.  He includes training on YouTube, Native Ads and FREE traffic!

I already mentioned that I’ve tested YouTube and was just blown away by the results…with an expert showing me the ropes, I KNOW I can make good money with YouTube ads.  I’ve also tested Native Ads, but I followed someone’s free training – and I couldn’t get my Native ads approved on one channel, and the other channel I finally got approved but the free training was total junk and I couldn’t do what it said I needed to do.

The minimal results I was able to get with Native ads was very interesting (and cheap)…so, I’m eager to learn from Robby to see how I can turn Native ads into a real traffic generator.

This is pretty much what I’ve been waiting for – the expert to reveal his secrets!  I might even do Facebook ads knowing I have more than just Facebook ads training in Commission Hero PRO!

I also want to mention that Robby has included software with Commission Hero PRO – without his free training (coming on the 29th…so, get the book and sign up for the webinar) it’s hard to explain why this is important.  Just know that this feature is a huge benefit to you over the original Commission Hero.

Why Commission Hero Pro?!

There is so much information I wish I could tell you so you can make an educated decision quickly…but, let’s start off with why you need to know about Commission Hero Pro (and probably why you need it).

Commission Hero Pro is the brand new version of Commission Hero.  Both of these programs are from Robby Blanchard, the #1 affiliate on ClickBank.

While I do well enough with affiliate marketing, I use primarily free methods and until recently, have kept affiliate marketing as a “when I feel like it” income.

2020 changed my views on this.  Why?  Because everyone was stuck at home with no way to make money and looking for opportunities online!  I have never seen an opportunity shift like this in my life!  

It’s Like The Perfect Convergence

One of the reasons I decided to create my own course on affiliate marketing was because I saw two things shift in affiliate marketing (these shifts took place before the pandemic).

1. The quality of products available to promote as an affiliate improved significantly – to be fair, this may have been a shift in my ability to find quality products.  Regardless of the ultimate reason, my confidence that you could find quality products to promote had increased significantly.

2. Promoting products, while not necessarily as easy on some platforms (like Facebook) is literally the easiest it has ever been.  Again, this could be more experience that led me to realize this…but, affiliate marketing is at everyone’s fingertips now – and should be!

Combining those 2 changes with the HUGE shift to online everything is how this is the perfect convergence.  Don’t get me wrong – there are still people and industries pushing back against the surge of online traffic.  But, our culture has had a significant shift for just 1 year.  Now is the time to get online, and affiliate marketing is a great way to make money as a primary source of income or as a secondary source of income.

We Need A Stable Alternative Or Supplemental Income

The final push to create the course came from my own experiences in eCommerce plus many of my friends and family seeing a cut to their employment income or business income.

While I was able to start and build a profitable eCommerce business in the midst of the pandemic, my primary eCommerce business suffered significantly for most of the year.  It’s not important why (but it’s mostly Amazon’s fault…in case you wondered).  The important part was that it reminded me of my roots.

My background is in Emergency & Disaster Management – so, I helped people and communities prepare for the inevitable disasters and helped respond to disasters when they happened.  For a couple of years, I worked for the American Red Cross responding to local disasters.

My focus shifted to business continuity planning – helping business leaders prepare and respond to business crises and disasters after I left the Red Cross.  I had met too many small business owners that lost everything *their businesses AND their personal belongings*.  For the home-based business, disasters are really double disasters IF you don’t set up the right resources.

2020 Showed Us The Importance Of Systems, Redundancies, And Alternate Sources Of Income

Enter the only true worldwide disaster we’ve seen in my lifetime.  I don’t agree we should compare it to the Flu of 1918…I mean, antibacterial soap wasn’t around then (not useful for preventing viruses, but evidence of resources not available at the time) and people still died from “cancer” after falling off a buggy and hitting their head on a rock (I have an ancestor that died this way…and I wonder if they knew what blunt-force trauma was back then).

I tend to think we have evolved a bit in 100 years.  If the flu of 1918 had actually hit us instead of covid, I don’t think it would have been a true worldwide disaster.  Regardless of your views, small businesses worldwide and even big businesses worldwide felt massive financial pain.

I didn’t want to see this happen again.  I can’t change big business strategies.  Heck, I can’t even get any size business to add in toilet seat covers if they aren’t already using them (something else they didn’t have in 1918).  If you don’t have toilet seat covers in your business bathrooms – I wonder if you’ve had kids…they miss…and germs are generally invisible.  Toilet seat covers are necessary!!

But I digress.  

I realized that home-based businesses, online businesses, and small businesses all have the opportunity to pivot.  In fact, that’s something talked about in the education side of business continuity planning.  Unlike big businesses that need an entire board to approve adding in toilet seat covers (otherwise, why don’t they have them?!) – smaller businesses generally have one or two people dictating the direction of the business.

There is no reason why affiliate marketing can’t be an alternate option for income, or even a secondary source of income!  That’s why I decided to build my affiliate marketing course.  Eventually, I will get around to the course that builds primary and secondary income sources – but I am continually told by “experts” that there are only 24 hours in a day and I have to sleep eventually!  I guess that means it might be a little longer than I originally thought – but for now, affiliate marketing is a great way to build up either a primary income or secondary income!

So, here’s what you need to do next:

Then, come back to this page (the book link opens to a new page) and claim your free course here:

Why Wouldn't You Get Commission Hero Pro?

As I write this article, it’s the prelaunch of Commission Hero Pro – so, some details are not set in stone yet.  For example, the price (it might be different than what I mention).  

The price for Commission Hero Pro is $2500.  This is NOT a cheap product.  While I feel $2500 is worth the training to run ads on Facebook, YouTube, and Native Ads…you may not.

Please keep in mind that affiliate marketing is SIMPLE.  I’d even say it is “easy”…but it is unpredictable for beginners.  Heck, it’s unpredictable for me (mostly because I didn’t have it as a primary income method before).  

I 100% believe that if you go through my free affiliate marketing course and take action, you can (eventually) build a full-time income.  BUT…it could take some time.  I do not teach paid ads.  My audience primarily likes “free” methods – so, I focus on finding the less expensive options (some cost money, but generally don’t use any paid ads).

As time has gone on, I have come to realize that paid ads help me make decisions faster.  They help drive enough traffic to identify issues, collect data, and keep things moving.  Compared to SEO (search engine optimization), paid ads have almost immediate feedback while SEO can take months or even years to build enough data.

All “free” methods have shifted to requiring ridiculous amount of time to make progress…so, paid ads help you actually make progress!  Looking at Facebook as an example, Zuckerberg has pioneered the process of stabbing the little guy in the back by intentionally reducing the organic reach of unpaid posts.  The big FB want’s it’s advertising money!

YouTube is still ok right now for organic reach, but places like Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter have all implemented algorithm shifts that reduce organic reach (especially if you are new on the platforms).

So, if you have the time to dedicate to testing, and building…plus the patience, then you can use the strategies I teach and build to a full-time income over time (faster if you use one of my strategies that uses software, which costs a bit of money but still way less than ads).  In the income examples above, you can see how one month can generate a full-time income when using paid ads (though, keep in mind that income has to also pay for the ad spend).

Even if you don’t think you’ll want to make the purchase, you should at least watch Robby’s training.  He’s never disappointed me with his free information – take a look at what he has to say and then you can make the decision yourself!

Commission Hero Pro Bonuses

For those who follow me regularly, you probably want to know about my Commission Hero Pro Bonuses.  For those who don’t follow me regularly, you may also want to know about my bonuses.

We are going to have some AMAZING bonuses…but, here’s the thing.  Commission Hero Pro is BRAND NEW.  To my knowledge, no one has even gone through the courses yet – though, I’m sure Robby had some testers for at least some of the information.

So, I’m going to keep adding to the bonuses as we learn more about Commission Hero Pro.  Don’t worry – if you purchase on day 1 and I add a bonus on day 3 – you’ll still get it!

Keep in mind these are exclusive bonuses only available from me (and you’ll have to submit your receipt through the contact us form to let me know you purchased because ClickBank doesn’t let me have the buyer info).

As you’ll see from my bonuses, I try to tailor these to help you SUCCEED.  As a reminder though, if you don’t feel you can afford Commission Hero Pro – just work through my free affiliate marketing course!  The benefit of paid ads is that you get to test faster, grow faster, and ultimately make money faster…but you have to come up with money for paid ads above and beyond the course, too!

Commission Hero Bonuses From Kim and Little Biz Resources

Bonus #1: I’m Going To Promote An Affiliate Product For You!

The system teaches you how to promote affiliate products – so, you’ll have to pick products and set up the 3 step system Robby teaches.  Once you’ve done that, you’ll tell me what you are promoting…and then I’ll promote YOUR affiliate link and product.  I’m in the middle of testing a strategy – but it will be either a video or an article here on my website!  

I’m not going to lie and tell you this is worth a billion dollars (but…could it be?).  Clearly, the value is in driving traffic and generating sales.  So, it could be worth a lot or it might be worth a little…but, I’m pretty good at what I do (except email marketing, which I do not do well). *By the way – don’t worry if you compete with me on a product!  I have multiple YouTube channels and multiple blog sites that generate traffic.*

Bonus #2: Recommended Affiliate Products List & Resources

Undoubtedly, Robby has a list of products he recommends or a strategy for how he finds profitable products.  I have my own list that does pretty well.  Plus, I’m promoting the products…so, I have to build all the assets for each of the products.  Right now, the assets are not for paid ads – but after we learn what to do, I’ll share the resources with you, too!

Again, I don’t want to lie and tell you this is worth a billion dollars…but…he he.  Actually, I would probably value this around $2500.  Why?  Because I have a slam dunk product on my list that is currently in Beta for the next phase.  I’m actually a testimonial for how the product is AMAZING.  Literally, I’ve made thousands of dollars USING the product – this product is HOT and critical.  It also generates recurring income for you (month after month).  So, if you make a couple of sales, it would be easy to make $2500 after a few months.

Bonus #3: Email Access For Private Reviews

I know it’s really scary to create resources and put them out online and hope for sales.  So, this bonus let’s you send me an email request to review your assets (ad images, descriptions, etc.).  I’m a big fan of “just test it”, but a second set of eyes never hurts!  This will be a max of one request per week, up to 8 requests…but once we get into the training, I might open this up more.

Again, I’m not going to put an absurd value on this, but I do have a lot of secrets in my back pocket that I don’t get to talk about often.  Sometimes, it’s just a single word you have to tweak to improve your conversions!

Bonus #4: One-on-one Zoom Meeting – 1 hour

Everyone needs a coach.  Yes, you can already come to my weekly webinars (I swear no one knows about these despite announcing it everywhere…so, it’s usually just my sister and I bantering anyway) but this is an opportunity to get private access to me.  I’d assume you want to discuss your affiliate marketing flow and how to improve, expand, or otherwise make more money – but, it’s your time.  We can cover whatever topic you want.  

Since almost no one claims this bonus when I include it, I’m going to also put in the disclaimer that this is only valid for up to 1 year from the purchase date.

More Bonuses Announced Soon!  

Recap Of Links Mentioned Throughout The Article

About The Author- Dr. Kim Christian

Dr Kim Christian

Thanks for taking the time to read my content!  I am Dr. Kim Christian, but the only person that calls me that is my daughter when she’s pretending she’s opening a business!

Most people just call me Kim (or mommy when my daughter isn’t playing business owner).

My priority is to help other entrepreneurs and small business owners build sustainable online businesses (or for “real world” businesses, expand to online).

In addition to publishing articles, I also offer free training through the Little Biz Resources Membership area.  Claim Your Free Course: How To Build A Full-Time Income With Affiliate Marketing

To Your Success,

Dr. Kim Christian

The post Commission Hero Pro Review and Free Book appeared first on Little Biz Resources.

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